Current Studies
IDEA — Investigating Dupilumab’s Effect in Asthma by genotype
In this research study, we want to learn if the study drug Dupixent® (dupilumab) helps to control your asthma. We are particularly interested in understanding if people who have a certain genetic make-up (genotype) will respond better to this treatment. This medication is already approved for treating asthma in people 12 years of age and older.
Eligible Participants:
Individuals 12 years of age and older with asthma and who already take an asthma medication for symptom control (daily inhaler or injections) may be eligible to enroll in the study.
Participation Overview:
The study consists of a one-year treatment period, followed by 6 months of observation. During the 1-year treatment period, we will ask you to come in for a study visit a total of 7 times. We will show you how to self-administer the first injection and you will be asked to give yourself the medication at home every 2 weeks. Half of the participants will receive Dupixent®, the other half will be treated with placebo. We will then follow up by phone and we will ask you to come in twice for a study visit during the observation phase.
Blood will be obtained at 5 time points throughout the study. Lung function testing will be done every time you come for a study appointment. Urine, nasal, and house dust samples will also be collected.
Participants may receive up to $870, study medication, and asthma medication included in the study.
CAUSE - Childhood Asthma in Urban Settings
Purpose: The Childhood Asthma in Urban Settings(CAUSE) network is currently recruiting for THREE studies at Boston Children’s, SICAS3, RACR3, CHEETAH, and PANDA. The CAUSE network focuses on asthma and allergy research.
CHEETAH: Mechanisms Underlying Asthma Symptoms and Exacerbations Across T2 status in children. We are studying if there are different mechanisms in asthma symptoms during asthma exacerbations. Children age 6 17 with asthma are eligible.
RACR3: Registry of Asthma Characterization and Recruitment 3, known as RACR3, is a registry study. Registries collect information about people for reference later. In RACR3, we specifically want to collect information about people who might be eligible to participate in research conducted by the CAUSE network.
SICAS3: School Inner City Asthma Study 3 is looking for healthy volunteers and individuals with asthma of any age living or attending school in the Northeast. This study dispenses environmental monitors to volunteers for 3 days to measure pollutants in the air. Additional Information
PANDA: In the PANDA study, we want to learn if treatment with dupilumab, given along with standard asthma care, makes children less likely to have asthma attacks. Dupilumab is given by injection just under the first layer of your skin. Dupilumab is being studied by the researchers in this study in children aged 6-17 years.
Eligible Participants: Those living in Norfolk, Plymouth, Suffolk, Essex, or Middlesex county in Massachusetts, or Rockingham, Strafford in New Hampshire. Those with asthma and allergies are strongly encouraged to contact, and healthy volunteers are welcome.
Participation Overview: Depends on the study! Reach out to learn more.
Compensation: Participation is reimbursed through Target and Visa gift cards for guardians and participants. Total compensation depends on the study, reach out for more information!
We are looking for children age 6-12 history of being a preemie with lung disease to understand the role of the environment in chronic lung disease
Atopic Dermatitis Research Network/ LEADS Study
We are seeking children over 6 years of age and adults with active eczema to join our study to understand risk factors for bad eczema. We are also looking for healthy controls
School Inner-City Asthma Study
We are looking for school children and adults with asthma and healthy controls for 2 visits to understand mechanisms of asthma and novel pathways to help guide treatment. Compensation provided!
Looking for wheezing infants and toddlers ages 6 months to 5 years for a study evaluating an oral probiotic like treatment to decrease wheezing